"The perfect concealer for me?  medium coverage, non-drying and a great color-match!"


I love to support brands that are inclusive and are creating a shade range that works for all skin tones!


A big hit, this concealer is non-drying, has great pigment and can be used as an all-over foundation, too.

a classic

Super lightweight, this concealer has a lotion-like feel to it & looks translucent.  There's lots of shades, too!

vegan with arnica

Heal it while you conceal it!  This smooth concealer has natural arnica, considered to be antiseptic & anti-inflammatory.

This concealer has medium to heavy coverage.  The best part, though, is that it never looks dry.  This is a best-seller.

Cult Favorite

"make sure your concealer has natural ingredients that are hydrating so you avoid that cakey, dry look."